a finales de septiembre tras librar una dura lucha en gascones le es concedido el carnet del pce.como capitán del 5? regimiento acudirá a taponar los puntos débiles de la defensa de madrid,garabitas,usera,pozuelo de alarcón,aravaca. ...
I don?t exactly trust eurohockey?s info anymore but they?re saying bGascon/b signed with some team in France. Nic Says: July 28, 2007 at 2:20 pm. Yeh Five?bGascon/b has said he?s going too play this year somewhere in Europe. b.../b
As covered in the July 10 edition of New Times, the city?s outspoken Cuban immigrant police chief, George bGascon/b, and Arpaio have sparred publicly since before bGascon/b came to Mesa from Los Angeles two years ago. b.../b Then Smith canceled the news conference and took off early on a family bvacation/b to the Mogollon Rim. Though Wright told me Smith would be available to talk to me on Friday, suddenly he was out of touch. Smith put out a 2 p.m. press release, though, b.../b